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CBD shown to induce cell death in Human Lung Cancer and Cancer Stem Cells

CBD shown to induce cell death in Human Lung Cancer and Cancer Stem Cells

In 2021, a medical study was published entitled “Cannabidiol Induces Cell Death in Human Lung Cancer Cells and Cancer Stem Cells”. The lead researchers were exploring the use of cannabidiol (CBD) as treatment for various lung cancers.

For those of you who are unaware, lung cancer is actually the leading cause of cancer-related deaths. This is due, in part, to its tendency for late-stage diagnosis (advanced development), and relapse and subsequent poor prognosis following surgery.

Without getting into the details and scientific information littering the study, the researchers concluded that CBD can, and in fact does limit cancer cell growth, as well as promoting specific gene expressions associated with cell death (a good thing when considering the nature of these cells).

Ultimately, this study (which can be accessed below) is one that will be referred to for years to come, and hopefully the information will be used and integrated into lung cancer treatment programs.

To read to the full publication, visit the National Library of Medicine.

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