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Lift&Co. Expo 2022 - Event Recap

Lift&Co. Expo 2022 - Event Recap

Have you ever been to the Lift&Co Expo? The one in downtown Toronto? It is one of the largest cannabis events in Canada and attended by thousands of people.

We welcomed the end of the moratorium on public events and were exhibiting this year! Each day of the 3-day event brought with it new conversations, opportunities to educate, and a chance to get feedback from different market representatives.

Friday we met with hundreds industry professionals. From Retail Managers and Inventory Specialists to Marketing Managers, directors and CEOs. Being our first major event, it was a chance to stand and speak with the key decision makers in the industry – and one we revelled in.

Saturday was all about the tastemakers – the budtenders. This diverse group of people have the unique position of being able to influence both Licensed Producers and the consumer. This engaged and inquisitive group asked Questions we had never heard, had product insights from “behind the counter”, and were so engrossed by our magnifying lid that we ended up on site hours after doors closed. Time well spent.

Sunday was Consumer Day. Everyone was welcome and it seemed
like most were there! Hundreds of people from across Canada and the US were in attendance. With industry vets and legacy growers it was often a “Eureka” moment, finally finding a product that addresses storage concerns while showcasing their beautiful flowers and hard work. For newly legal consumers and first-timers, it was an opportunity to learn about the impact storage has on your cannabis. It was amazing to see how many people were unaware of the affect storage can have on their cannabis, but also to be able to share with them the KookiJar App, and how that can help them learn and explore this amazing plant.

This event is about more than just Cannabis. It's also about the people, networking, education, and bringing new light to the industry (pun intended). While each of us had our own favourite moments, KookiMike's favourite was captured on camera when he interviewed with Cy Williams of High! Canada Magazine. As a legacy guy himself, getting to sit and chat with a legend in Canadian cannabis was the highlight of his week.

We met with so many amazing people, cannabis advocates, KookiJar Ambassadors, and fellow industry professionals that we needed a few days to get our bearings once we got back!

Suffice to say, it was a trip that none of us will soon forget!

Did you happen to stop by or snap a photo with us? If you did, be sure to share it and tag @KookiJars on your social!

We had a blast. If you missed us this year, maybe we'll see you at the next Lift&Co. Expo?

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