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Julie Landriault General Manager at Unplug Westboro - best weed stash jars. How to keep your weed from drying out. Magnify Lid  mason weed jars

Meet Julie Landriault General Manager at Unplug Cannabis Westboro

KJ: Tell us about your store/location. Where is it and why is it special?

Julie: @ Unplug Westboro we act as guides to assist individuals looking to incorporate mindfulness and wellness into their daily lives. We encourage people to UNPLUG and reconnect with themselves in order to experience personal fulfilment and growth. We recognize that each customers’ reason to consume is different and equally valid. We also recognize that the days of the stereotypical user are long gone; cannabis spans all demographics. Our focus is on bettering YOUR experience based on YOUR reasons to consume.
Our store is located in the heart of Westboro Village in Ottawa; the neighbourhood is absolutely beautiful and is filled with people biking, walking, enjoying the outdoors and walking their pups! 😊

KJ: Focusing on your website, please tell us what separates you from your competition?

Julie: We differentiate ourselves by providing the most up to date knowledge and science to our customers and creating a welcoming environment for both new and experienced consumers. We are an effect-based retailer focusing on the way cannabis makes you feel, rather than the genetics of the plant. With our 3 categories (Uplift, Unwind and Fusion), you can always find your desired experience.

KJ: Tell us about you and your people. How long have you been doing this? Any interesting stories to share about your journey to get where you are?

Julie: I have been working in the cannabis industry since day one of legalization in Canada and I was lucky enough to be in one of the first 3 stores in Ottawa. It has been an interesting few years in which the industry has seen so much growth. I started in the industry with not much experience in terms of cannabis, other than I liked to consume and I knew about Indica, Sativa and Hybrid. The one interesting thing about the industry, is that you will see so many people with different backgrounds. You don’t need to go to school or study cannabis to be involved; as long as you have a passion and love for the plant, the learning and knowledge comes along with it. I have a background in Theatre and Communications and I somehow ended up here! Cannabis is truly for everyone😊

KJ: Can you share your vision of the future of your shop? The Cannabis industry in general?

Julie: I see a lot of positive change happening in terms of the regulations and rules within the industry and potentially some new opportunities being extended to other establishments like restaurants. The future of our company and our vision really stems from delivering a positive and knowledgeable customer experience, that guarantees that every customer leaves with all the information they need to create their experience. All in all, the future looks bright for us and the plant!

KJ: Give us one recommendation each for a TV Show, Movie, Book

TV Show: The Office
Movie: The Last Holiday
Book: The Untethered Soul

KJ: Thanks for your time Julie. Really appreciate the insight.

If you made it this far reading this piece, make sure you check out Unplug Cannabis three locations in person as soon as you can. Find the location nearest you on the Unplug Cannabis website. Know someone doing great things in the CannaBiz? Please drop us a line HERE

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